Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to inspire pupils to be enthusiastic, curious and creative learners; equipping them with essential knowledge and skills whilst nurturing kindness, patience and respect. Underpinned by our Christian values of strength, love and wisdom, our curriculum will allow children to shine.

This broad and ambitious curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and form the foundations for what lies ahead.

Curriculum Aims

  • Develop life-skills which promote a love of learning and life itself
  • Grow an understanding of ourselves, each other and the world
  • Nurture curiosity and creativity which feed the imagination and increase knowledge
  • Cultivate aspiration through motivation and self-belief
  • Instil resilience, independence, perseverance and confidence


Curriculum Principles

  • In line with Mastery Learning, we will focus on depth before breadth in every subject area so that pupils can attain proficiency and study the curriculum with confidence
  • Progress means Knowing and Remembering powerful, transferrable and carefully sequenced knowledge
  • Teach pupils Personal Learning and Thinking Skills so that they become successful and motivated learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens
  • Cultivate Collaborative Learning so that pupils develop social skills, practise interacting with others and enjoy learning
  • Endorse high-quality Learning Opportunities so that pupils are motivated by real purposes and real audiences and beautiful work is created
  • Provide Feedback which allows pupils time to engage, reflect and review – including self-evaluation so that they are capable of improving their own learning
  • Develop Social and Emotional Learning so that our pupils are self-aware, foster positive relationships and achieve personal wellbeing
  • Equip pupils with the Cultural Capital that they need to succeed in life by introducing them to the best which has been thought and said
  • Provide an Experience-Rich Curriculum so that our pupils can pursue personal interests and talents
  • Digital Technology is used effectively and creatively so that pupils are digitally fluent and equipped for life in the 21st Century
  • Enable our pupils to Demonstrate Learning in Different Ways – not always pages in books but photographs, posters, products, presentations and performances
  • Foster a Resilience in our pupils so that they have the strength of character to persevere
  • Prepares our pupils for life in modern Britain promoting Equality and Diversity and developing their understanding of the Fundamental British Values


What are our Non-Negotiables?

  • All subjects are taught discretely but cross-curricular links are exploited where it would deepen learning.
  • Every pupil will have a termly opportunity to enrich their learning with an off-site visit or by welcoming a visitor to the school.
  • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, fundamental British Values and the Rights of a Pupil are taught across the curriculum.
  • There is evidence of writing across the curriculum.
  • Learning is evidenced in a variety of ways.
  • All subjects have clearly defined end points which is the key knowledge that pupils will acquire as outlined on our Knowledge Organisers.
  • Teachers will use formative and summative assessment to inform future teaching and learning.
  • Pupils will receive feedback on previous work at the start of every lesson enabling them to reflect, review and improve.
  • Reading, writing and maths will be taught every day.


Curriculum Outcomes

  • The impact of our Curriculum on increased knowledge and skill development is evidenced through scrutiny of the pupil’s work in books, assessment records and crucially pupil voice.

Please follow the link below to see our Curriculum Overview.

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'Let your light shine' encapsulates the school's commitment to provide an enriching education which is deep and broad.




Church of England Primary School



School Office

Mrs R. Hanbury | Mrs J.Hordern

01939 233353

[email protected]

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Miss R. Jones

[email protected]

Executive Headteacher

Mr B. Crompton

[email protected]

Our Federation

'Our school is forward-thinking and outward-looking. We will continuously improve and evolve together, in order to inspire pupils who leave our school feeling excited and ready for the future.’