Osprey Class - Year 5 2023 - 2024

Miss Roberts

Welcome to a full, fun-packed, exciting new year of learning in Osprey Class!

To find out more about who will be teaching the class click on our 'Meet The Teaching Team' page.

Just a short overview of some of the topics we will be covering in Osprey Class this term:

In English we use quality texts as vehicle through which we develop our writing. We won't share what these texts are here as certain lessons require children to predict what the text is about or what comes next.  In maths we are excited to continue using Power Maths. This is a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics designed to strengthen and deepen understanding for their currciulum objectives.  It will help ensure the children are fluent in mathematics, whilst also embedding problem solving and reasoning skills.  This term we will be focusing on place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions.

We have an exciting new spelling scheme that will start in the first full week. The children will learn their spellings in school for a week before they are sent home, they will then be sent home the Friday of that week and will not be tested until the following Friday once they have had those spellings at home for a week.

Music will continue to be every Thursday with Mr Kitcher learning the Blues.

In our wider curriculum:

R.E - 'How do people express their faith through the arts?' and 'How does faith help people when life gets hard?'

Computing - '3D Modelling' and 'Sensing Movement'

Science - 'Danger Low Voltage: Electricity' and 'Marvellous Mixtures'

Art & Design - 'Make my voice heard'

Geography - 'Energy and Sustainability'

History - '20th Century Conflict' 

D&T - 'Cooking and Nutrition: Come Dine with me'

PSHE - 'Safety and the changing body'

Key Information for Autumn Term 

  • Children should wear full uniform and black school shoes each day.

  • Our PE sessions will be on Wednesday and Thursdays.  Children are required to come to school in their PE kit. 
  • Children should bring a water bottle everyday.

  • Children do not need to bring pencil cases or other personal items to school. 

  • Please label all clothing and personal items to avoid the loss of property.

If you have questions or queries please see me at the start or end of the school day, contact me via class dojo or email [email protected] 



'Let your light shine' encapsulates the school's commitment to provide an enriching education which is deep and broad.




Church of England Primary School



School Office

Mrs R. Hanbury | Mrs J.Hordern

01939 233353

[email protected]

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Miss R. Jones

[email protected]

Executive Headteacher

Mr B. Crompton

[email protected]

Our Federation

'Our school is forward-thinking and outward-looking. We will continuously improve and evolve together, in order to inspire pupils who leave our school feeling excited and ready for the future.’