Hawk Class - Year 1 & Year 2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Coburn

Mrs Braithwaite

Miss Brown

Miss Wilds

Welcome to Summer Term 2024


Our final term is packed full of engaging topics and exciting adventures!


In our English lessons, we will begin by exploring 'Jack and the Baked Beanstalk' by Colin Stimpson. In this twisted retelling of the narrative Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack and his mother run a diner that is put out of business when the road they are on shuts down. Jack's mother sends him out to buy coffee beans and milk with their last few pennies, but instead he trades the pennies for a can of magic baked beans which leads him on an epic adventure.


Our weekly spelling and phonics tests will take place each Friday. New spellings will also be given on Fridays. Homework will also continue to be assigned on Fridays and collected the same day the following week.


Reading and Phonics underpins all education and as such pupils are encouraged to read at home and practise their phonics sounds for at least five minutes every day. A record of this should then be made by a parent/carer in the Home School Journal. Please can you ensure your child’s journal is bought to school each day.


Power Maths is now fully integrated into our curriculum, helping children to develop fluency and deep conceptual understanding. Our weekly arithmetic tests will continue every Friday, and their progress will be recorded in their Home School Journals.


In our Wider Curriculum subjects, we will explore who are Muslims and where do they live. In History we are delving into Travel and Transport, where we will uncover key milestones in our transport history and significant individuals such as Amelia Earhart and the Wright Brothers. In Science, we are moving onto a topic of interest to us all, ‘Growing Up’, where we will continue to learn how humans develop and change from babies to adulthood. In Art and Design, children develop their understanding of key Art and Design skills; learning to print, mix colours and experimenting with media.


In computing, we will begin to explore Digital Music, whilst our weekly music lessons will delve deeper into our knowledge of Musical Structures.


We are also incredibly lucky to have Mr Crompton teach Hawk class Forest school for the first few Wednesdays of our Summer Term! This will replace our Tuesday PE session. Please bring in approriate clothing for Forest School on Wednesdays and come to school in PE kits on Thursdays (when Forest School has finished, PE will continue on Tuesdays and Thursdays). 

For more information on our curriculum and schedule, please visit our Curriculum Page on the website


Key Information for Summer Term 

  • Children should wear full uniform and black school shoes each day.
  • Our PE sessions will be on a Tuesday and Thursday.  Children are required to bring in full PE kit on these days and will get changed in school. 
  • Children should bring a water bottle and coat every day.
  • Children do not need to bring pencil cases or other personal items to school. 
  • Please label all clothing and personal items to avoid the loss of property.
  • Suncream should be applied before the children come to school.  

If you have questions or queries please see us at the start or end of the school day or email [email protected]

To find out more about who will be teaching the class click on our 'Meet The Teaching Team' page.


We are really looking forward to sharing another wonderful term with you all and don't forget to follow what goes on in our school on our Class Dojo page!


Miss Wilds


'Let your light shine' encapsulates the school's commitment to provide an enriching education which is deep and broad.




Church of England Primary School



School Office

Mrs R. Hanbury | Mrs J.Hordern

01939 233353

[email protected]

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

Miss R. Jones

[email protected]

Executive Headteacher

Mr B. Crompton

[email protected]

Our Federation

'Our school is forward-thinking and outward-looking. We will continuously improve and evolve together, in order to inspire pupils who leave our school feeling excited and ready for the future.’